Identifying Object IDs

Identifying Object IDs

This article describes how to find Object IDs for Sites, Doors and Groups, which is typically required when administering an Integration between Brivo OnAir and a third-party software application.

Getting Started

In order to obtain object IDs, the user must have a Brivo OnAir login with SENIOR or MASTER ADMINISTRATION access.  
To login to Brivo OnAir go to 

Finding a Site Object ID

  1. Navigate to SETUP >> Sites/Doors >> Sites
  2. Search for the Site Name you need to identify
  3. Click on the Site Name
  4. In the browser URL at the end is the value "groupid=xxxxxxx", where x represents the ID number.  

    Site Object ID

Finding a Door Object ID

  1. Navigate to SETUP >> Sites/Doors >> Sites
  2. Search for the Site Name containing the door(s) to be identified
  3. Click on the Site Name
  4. Click on the Door Name
  5. In the browser URL at the end is the value "objectid=xxxxxxx", where x represents the ID number.
Door Object ID

Finding a Group Object ID

  1. Navigate to USERS >> Groups
  2. Search for the Group Name
  3. Click on the Group Name
  4. In the browser URL at the end is the value "groupObjectid=xxxxxxx", where x represents the ID number.

Group Object ID

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