Promotion Codes Tab

Promotion Codes Tab

To create promotional codes for your site, click on the Promotion Codes tab. The Rhomb promo code feature offers a great deal of flexibility for you to administer discounts when you wish.

Create a Promo Code: 
1. Click the green "Add Promo Code" button in the top right. 
2. Customize the promotion code you would like to distribute: 
  • Promotion Code: Create a unique code for your customers to use when redeeming their discount.
  • Name/Description: Provide a description for the code.
  • Start Date/Expire Date: Choose the start and end dates for which the code will be valid.
  • Redemptions per Cust Limit: Set the maximum number of times a customer can use the promo code.
  • Discount Type: Select whether the discount will be a percentage or a fixed dollar amount.
  • Percent Discount/Dollars Off Value: Enter the amount the customer will save when using the code.
  • Minimum Order Total: Determine if there should be a minimum order value required for the promo code to be applied.
  • Restrict Promotion to Single User Account?: If you want to limit the promo code to just one customer, specify it here. If yes, enter the email of the user that will gain access to this promo code. 

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