Once you have identified the Eagle Eye device, or if you are trying to test a device to see whether it is the Eagle Eye device, open PowerShell by searching for it from the Start menu. In PowerShell, type the following command:

Replace the IP address in the screenshot with the one you discovered in the previous part of the guide. Do NOT include square brackets in the command.
Press the Enter key. If you are given a prompt about cryptographic fingerprints, type "yes" and press the Enter key again.
You should see the following message:
This service is available for maintenance user by vendor support only and unauthorized use may violate any and all applicable warranties.
No user-servicable parts inside.
Please go away.
If you see this message, you have successfully identified the Eagle Eye CMVR / Bridge. Enter the first 5 digits from the last part of your serial number, then press the Enter key. No text will appear as you type, but it is still being recognized by the console.

Regarding the password:
Eagle Eye Serial Numbers are in the following formats: EEN-BR000-12345 or EEN-BR000-123456
For devices ending in 5 digit numbers, the password is those 5 numbers. For devices with serial numbers ending in 6 digits, the password is the FIRST 5 digits of those 6.
In both of the samples provided above, the password would be 12345
If you enter the password incorrectly, the device will close your connection and you will have to try again, starting from the ssh admin@[IP ADDRESS] command.
If you enter the password correctly, you will be sent to the Local Configuration Utility which has a blue dashboard and information about the device. Using the arrow keys, navigate to "Run Network Diagnostics" and press the Enter key.
After diagnostics are run, the results will be displayed on screen. Please take a photo of these results and send them to the relevant ticket or case, or to
support@latitudesecurity.com as instructed. They will either be interpreted directly, or forwarded to Eagle Eye for analysis.