Creating a Product - Fee (Customer Service Adjustables)

Creating a Product - Fee (Customer Service Adjustables)

Fee type products are do not have any access credentials associated with them. They are typically created to apply customer service charges, issue credits, or to assess other fees. They are a valuable feature for your site, so we definitely recommend setting up these types of products.

Create a Customer Service (CS) Adjustable fee type product:
1. Log in to the administrative end of your site.
2. Click the "Products" tab on the left-hand menu.
3. Click the green button labeled "Add New Product" on the top right-hand corner of the screen.
4. Enter the information requested (see screenshot below): 
      - Product Name: Enter the name you would like displayed for this product ex. "CS Adjustable".
      - Product Type: Select "Fee".
      - Unit of Measure (UM): The standard UM is 'each'; this setting simply describes what one purchase is for.
      - Price per UM: Enter $0.00.
      - Minimum Purchase Quantity: Select "1".
      - Maximum Purchase Quantity: Select "1".
      - Apply Sales Tax? Toggle: We recommend creating two nearly identical "CS Adjustable" products, with the only difference being one that is taxed and the other that is tax-exempt. This way, you will have both options available for different situations. 
5. Click "Continue" for the product to be generated.
WarningNOTE: Be sure to save your changes when editing a product AFTER EACH EDIT by clicking the green "Save Changes" button.
7. In the left-hand section of the product page, you can edit the following features:
      - Image: For these products, there is no need to upload an image here, as these types of products will only be visible to administrators. 
      - Name: Edit/modify the name of your product here.
      -Show Image on Product Page? Toggle: Again, this setting doesn't apply, as these types of products will only be visible to administrators. 
      - Product Status Toggle: This setting controls whether your product is enabled for use on your website. If you want to temporarily deactivate a product—such as seasonal items you’ll reactivate later—this is where you can do that.

"Edit Product" Customization Tabs
Under the "Settings" tab, you'll customize the following: 
      - Availability: Customer service adjustable products are a feature designed for administrator use and thus, should only be available to administrators. 
      - Visibility: Select  "Product is only displayed in the shopping cart (e.g., service charges, maintenance fees, etc.)".
      - Max Purchase Quantity: Select "1".
      - Quantity Increment: Select "1".
      - Unit Of Measurement: standard is 'each', this is used to describe what one purchase is for 
      - Taxable: We recommend creating two nearly identical "CS Adjustable" products, with the only difference being one that is taxed and the other that is tax-exempt. This way, you will have both options available for different situations. 
      - Is this item considered a membership? Toggle: Toggle "No".
      - Recurring Bill Toggle: Toggle "No".

Under the "Pricing" tab, keep the pricing at $0.00.

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