A group defines the when and where a user has access. If a user isn't in at least one group, the user will not have access to any doors. It is important to create groups based on access levels within your organization. For example, executives may have access to the main entrance 24/7 but daytime shift work may only have access from 7 am to 7 pm. Another example is the case of multiple locations where a regional manager may have access to all locations within an area, but an employee has access to only one location. These common scenarios require the creation of multiple groups to accommodate the variation with access.
Adding a Group
1. Login to
Brivo via a web browser (the app doesn't support this function)
2. Using the left menu, go to Users >> Groups; by default, two groups are listed, Staff and Visitors.
3. Click the + Create New Group button
4. Start by giving the group a name then click the Create Group button at the bottom of the page
5. Now we can define the access level by the device (aka door). Start by clicking on the box labeled All devices.
6. Under Site, all of the doors are listed regardless of the physical location.
7. The Schedule setting defines whether the group has access to the device, and when the group has access to the device.
a. (No Access) means the group doesn't have access to the device. For example, if they tried to scan their fob at the door, the door will not unlock.
b. (Always Access) means the group has access to the device all of the time.
8. Whenever making any changes to a group AWAYS SAVE YOUR CHANGES.
The example above is a schedule for the cleaning company that has access to the Front Entry only and during After Hours Access schedule.
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