Door Unlock Schedule

Door Unlock Schedule


Having a door on an automated unlock schedule can be very useful when people that don't normally have credentials require access.  A door unlock schedule is commonly used for lobbies, retail stores, and facilities with certain staffed hours. 

Putting a Door On an Unlock Schedule

  1. If you haven't done so already, login to Brivo OnAir and create a schedule.
  2. Select "Devices" from the navigation menu on the left.

  3. A list of all devices connected to your account should appear. If you have several devices, you may wish to use the filtering options to find the door you wish to configure.

  4. Select the door you wish to place on an unlock schedule from the list. 

  5. At the bottom of the menu, select "Add Schedule"

  6. Select the (Always Access) dropdown, then select the name of the schedule you wish to place the door on.

  7. Select the "Save" button to save your changes.

Taking a Door Off an Unlock Schedule

  1. Repeat steps 1-4 above for the door you wish to remove from the schedule.
  2. The schedule associated with the door will appear at the bottom of the menu. Click the trash can icon to remove the schedule.

Adding or removing the schedule will become effective immediately. Take user access into account before modifying schedules.

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