Adding a Schedule Exception
Schedule exceptions are very handy for easily making predictable and unpredictable schedule changes, whether it is a door unlock schedule or group access schedule.
Adding One-Time Exception
A one-time exception is used for a single occurrence the exception applies. For example, a weather event may temporarily close the facility. In this case, a one-time exception applies.
- Login to Brivo OnAir (
- Using the left menu, go to Configuration >> Schedules
- Click on the schedule
name you want to update
- Click Edit Schedule button
- Towards the bottom of the page is the section, Schedule Exceptions. Use the following parameters:
- Type = One-time
- Date = The date you
want the schedule to be temporarily modified
- Starts at = the time
you want the door to LOCK or the time you want to REVOKE ACCESS for a user group - It depends on the schedule application.
- Ends at = the time you
want the door to UNLOCK or the time you want to GIVE ACCESS for a user group (note: if the remainder of the day, then enter 11:59 PM)
- Enable or Disable =
Disabling exception (you are disabling the normal schedule and not the
- Click Add Exception
- Repeat #5 if the
exception spans multiple days – you need an exception entry for each
day. For example, if the door is to be locked all day due to a
holiday, then enter 12:00 AM as your start and 11:59 PM as your end.
- When finished adding
exceptions, click the SAVE SCHEDULE button at the bottom.
The sample below is a Disabling Exception for 12/19/2021 between the hours of 4 pm and midnight.
A continuation of the sample above if the Disabling Exception spans multiple days. In this case, it spans to 6 am the next morning.
Adding a Repeating Exception
A repeating exception is used ONLY when an event repeats MONTHLY. Meaning, if the exception applies once a month and every month.
- Login to Brivo OnAir (
- Using the left menu, go to Configuration >> Schedules
- Click on the schedule name you want to update
- Click Edit Schedule button
- Towards the bottom of the page is the section, Schedule Exceptions. Use the following parameters:
- Type = Repeating
- Repeats every = First - Fifth and Day of the Week (e.g. First Monday [of every month])
- Starts at = the time you want the door to LOCK or the time you want to REVOKE ACCESS for a user group - It depends on the schedule application.
- Ends at = the time you want the door to UNLOCK or the time you want to GIVE ACCESS for a user group (note: if the remainder of the day, then enter 11:59 PM)
- Enable or Disable = Disabling exception (you are disabling the normal schedule and not the door)
- Click Add Exception Button
- SAVE the schedule
The sample below is a Disabling Exception for the First Monday of every month from midnight to 6 am.

Related Articles
- Creating Schedules
- Creating Groups
- Put a Door on a Schedule
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