Adding Unknown Credentials to the Card Bank

Adding Unknown Credentials to the Card Bank


Brivo can analyze almost any credential (RFID card or fob) by simply scanning the credential at a compatible reader.  This function enables unknown cards to be easily added to the Brivo account and assigned to a user.

Analyze the Credential

  1. Scan the credential at any reader connected to the system.  If the reader "beeps" it read the card.  If the reader doesn't beep, it most likely didn't read the card which means the card and reader are not compatible.

  2. Log in to Brivo Access and navigate to Credentials >> Unknown Card Scans

  3. Identify the row that matches the Date/Time and Door Name where you scanned the credential.  Click on the View on that row.

  4. The system analyzes the card format and displays at least one potential format.  It is recommended that you add the credential using a potential format versus adding it as an unknown format.
    1. Enter a Card External ID - this is a number that is typically printed on the outside of the card.  If there is no printed number, then use the First Internal Number value listed after selecting a potential format.
    2. Once you are finished, click Save Changes. The new card will be added to your card bank.


Now that the new card is in the card bank, it can be assigned to a user. Instructions how to do so are available here: Assigning Cards to and Revoking Cards from Users in Brivo Access.

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