Assign or Revoke Cards from Users in Brivo OnAir
This section provides instructions for assigning and revoking proximity cards, which need to be performed using the
Brivo OnAir web application.
Card Bank
Before any cards can be assigned to users, the card ID(s) must exist in the Brivo Card Bank. The Card Bank is the area of the system that indicates available card IDs to be assigned. Think of it as creating a list of known cards. A card bank prevents an arbitrary card from being assigned to a user and enabling access.
Assigning Cards to Users
- Login to Brivo OnAir
- Using the left menu, navigate to Users >> Users
Use the Search field to find the user that is receiving the card. Start typing in the search field and the matching names will appear in the list.
- Click on the name of the user to edit their profile
- Scroll down the screen until you see the section labeled Credentials
- Click the link +Assign Credential, and a pop-up window appears
In the search field, start typing the card number to be assigned. When the card appears in the list, click the +Assign link

Remember to Save Changes using the prompt at the bottom of the page or your changes will be reverted!
Revoking Cards from Users
Revoking a card removes it from a particular user's profile and allows it to be recycled for future use.
- Login to Brivo OnAir as an Admin user.
- Using the left menu, navigate to Users >> Users
Search for the user assigned to the card by entering their name in the Filter section.
- Click "View" next to the user you wish to modify.
- In the "Credentials" section, there is a list of all authentication methods for that user. Find the card you wish to remove and click the X icon in the corresponding box.

Remember to Save Changes using the prompt at the bottom of the page or your changes will be reverted!
Revoking a Card when the User is Unknown
Cards can also be removed from a user from the Credentials page if the card's owner is unknown.
- Login to Brivo OnAir as an Admin user.
- Using the left menu, navigate to Credentials >> Cards.
Search for the card using its number in the Filter section.
Click "View" next to the card you wish to revoke.
In the Credential Management screen, the assigned user is listed. To revoke the card from the user, click "Unassign Card"
When prompted, confirm by clicking "Unassign"

There is no need to save changes after the confirmation prompt.
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